Results for 'Turki Naffaa Alrehaili'

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  1.  4
    Barriers to Nurse-Patient Communication at Primary Health Centers in Almadina Munawara City, Saudi Arabia.Naif Alkhaibari, Badr Soliman Alharbi, Ziyad Abdullah Alhejaili, Ahmed Saad Ahejaili, Turki Naffaa Alrehaili, Ali Hassan Alkhaibari & Hammad Sulaiman Awud Alshammari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:944-954.
    Background: Nurse-patient communication is a unique clinical skill in the healthcare professions that promotes good quality care and patient outcomes. This communication can be disrupted by many barriers that impact the therapeutic relationship and deliver of care. Purpose: The study aims to identify the barriers affecting nurse-patient communication at primary health centers in Almadina Munawara City, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 212 nurses and 214 patients utilizing a self-reporting questionnaire. A version of the same file was (...)
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    Significance of the anterior cingulate cortex in neurogenesis plasticity: Connections, functions, and disorders across postnatal and adult stages.Moawiah M. Naffaa - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300160.
    The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a complex and continually evolving brain region that remains a primary focus of research due to its multifaceted functions. Various studies and analyses have significantly advanced our understanding of how the ACC participates in a wide spectrum of memory and cognitive processes. However, despite its strong connections to brain areas associated with hippocampal and olfactory neurogenesis, the functions of the ACC in regulating postnatal and adult neurogenesis in these regions are still insufficiently explored. Investigating (...)
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  3. Ibn al-Khammār: faylasūf min al-qarn al-rābiʻ al-Hijrī.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 2005 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Freiheit und Befreiung: zur Dialektik philosophischer Praxis bei Jean-Paul Sartre.Mohamed Turki - 1986 - Bochum: Germinal.
  5. Naẓarīyat al-kalimah fī al-fikr al-Islāmī wa-uṣūluhā al-falsafīyah wa-al-dīnīyah.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 1999 - Ṭanṭā: Dār al-Ḥaḍārah lil-Ṭabʻ wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    De la critique de l’Orientalisme au nouvel Humanisme.Mohamed Turki - 2022 - Culture and Dialogue 10 (1):22-46.
    Résumé Juste avant sa mort précoce il y a près de vingt ans, Edward Saïd nous a légué en signe de testament l’un de ses derniers ouvrages Humanisme et démocratie dans lequel il a étalé sa vision du monde futur et montré l’impact que doit avoir l’humanisme sur la conception démocratique de la praxis politique. Son projet consiste en effet à réhabiliter l’humanisme pris déjà pour cible par le courant structuraliste antihumaniste au milieu du vingtième siècle et à le réintégrer (...)
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    Hegel and Marx on the Self-Realization of Man.Çetin Türkyılmaz - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):251-255.
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  8. Mafāhīm asāsīyah fī al-tarbiyah.ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Turkī (ed.) - 1984 - Iskandarīyah: Maktabat al-Maʻārif al-Ḥadīthah.
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  9. Naẓarīyāt nashʼat al-kawn fī al-fikr al-Islāmī.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 2001 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    On the Normativity of the Immune System.Amin T. Turki - 2011 - Medicine Studies 3 (1):29-39.
    In the 1940s, Georges Canguilhem has established the concept of biological normativity on the level of the organism in his key work on “ The Normal and the Pathological ”. We would like to present a contemporary analysis of Canguilhem’s work, set it in context with more recent results from the field of complexity and immunology, and evaluate the problematic whether normativity is a genuine capacity of the organism. Based on Canguilhem’s conditions of the definition of biological normativity, we show (...)
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    Rationalitätsdebatten im arabisch-islamischen Diskurs der Gegenwart.Mohamed Turki - 2022 - Leipzig: Edition Hamouda.
    Mit diesem Band wendet sich der Philosoph Mohamed Turki gegen die Behauptung, dass geisteswissenschaftliche Debatten in der arabisch-islamischen Welt ausschliesslich vom Diskurs des Glaubens beherrscht werden. In fundierter und zugleich überblickender Manier wird zunächst der historische Wandel von Bestimmungen des Rationalitätsbegriffs nachgezeichnet und verständlich gemacht, um anschliessend einzelne Diskurse der Gegenwart darzustellen. Deutlich wird dabei das Ineinandergreifen von Konzepten wie Glaube, Vernunft, Offenbarung und Interkulturalität, aber auch Konfliktlinien innerhalb der Diskussion. Die beziehungsreichen Aufsätze des Bandes vereinen Themen wie Pluralität, (...)
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    al-Muʻādalah al-thulāthīyah: al-insān wa-al-dīn wa-al-Lībirālīyah fī ḍawʼ al-falsafah wa-al-dīn.Āl Turkī & Khālid Turkī - 2019 - [Abū Ẓaby]: Dār Mulhimūn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Murād Wahbah.
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  13. al-Madrasah wa-bināʼ al-insān.ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Turkī - 1983 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Anjlū al-Miṣrīyah.
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    Frantz Fanon, penseur de l’humanisme radical et précurseur des études postcoloniales.Mohamed Turki - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):59-83.
    Résumé Frantz Fanon s’est concentré principalement sur la violence comme moyen de résistance et de libération anticoloniale, mais aussi sur l’humanisme et les possibilités de sa réalisation. Il s’agit pour lui de dépasser la conception manichéenne de l’Europe, mais aussi de la Négritude à propos de l’homme et d’inventer comme il dit « l’homme total ». Le silence a régné assez longtemps sur la réception des œuvres de Fanon après sa mort, à l’exception de sa réhabilitation vingt ans après aux (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: l'intellectuel et son ombre: lecture critique d'un penseur et de son œuvre.Mohamed Turki - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Quarante ans après la mort de Jean-Paul Sartre et à un moment où les bouleversements liés à la mondialisation déchirent l'humanité, cet ouvrage rappelle son engagement de philosophe et d'intellectuel après la Seconde guerre mondiale. Sartre n'a eu de cesse de transformer le mode contemporain de penser notre existence individuelle et collective en plaçant la liberté au centre de l'agir humain. Son oeuvre littéraire et ses prises de position politiques contre le racisme et le colonialisme ont rappelé vigoureusement qu'il fallait (...)
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  16. al-Kalimah al-Ilāhīyah ʻinda mufakkirī al-Islām.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 2002 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    The Metaphysics of Michael Polanyi: Toward a Post-Critical Platonism.Martin E. Turkis Ii - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book tells the story of how the Platonic vision of Michael Polanyi – the Hungarian-British chemist and philosopher – bridges the gap between speculative metaphysics and scientific practice, thus making sense of the broad swathe of human experience in a phenomenologically satisfying fashion. The central proposal is that Polanyi is a Platonist due to his affirmation of the ontological status of abstract objects, with particular focus placed on the question of uninstantiated universals. The book engages contemporary, speculative realists from (...)
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    Riccati Equations as a Scale-Relativistic Gateway to Quantum Mechanics.Saeed Naif Turki Al-Rashid, Mohammed A. Z. Habeeb & Tugdual S. LeBohec - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):191-203.
    Applying the resolution–scale relativity principle to develop a mechanics of non-differentiable dynamical paths, we find that, in one dimension, stationary motion corresponds to an Itô process driven by the solutions of a Riccati equation. We verify that the corresponding Fokker–Planck equation is solved for a probability density corresponding to the squared modulus of the solution of the Schrödinger equation for the same problem. Inspired by the treatment of the one-dimensional case, we identify a generalization to time dependent problems in any (...)
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    La responsabilité médicale des accidents de la circoncision en Tunisie : à propos de trois affaires judiciaires.Khaled Annabi, Elyes Turki, Amal Ben Daly & Mohamed Ben Dhiab - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (165):145-149.
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  20. al-Siyāsah bayna al-ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām: antum aʻlam bi-umūr dunyākum.Turkī Ḥamad - 2000 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Sāqī.
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  21. Dirāsāt aydiyūlūjīyah fī al-ḥālah al-ʻArabīyah.Turkī Ḥamad - 1992 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Ṭalīʻah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Healthcare Value Assessment: A Critical Review of Economic Outcome Metrics and Future Directions.Masad Turki Almutairi, Ashwaq Mansour Aljohani, Yosef Awad Aljohani, Zaid Awaidh Sh Almotairi, Abdulmajeed Ayid Almatrafi, Fuad Mohammed Alahmadi, Theban Abdullah Alghamdi, Abdulaziz Mohamed Alahmed, Ahmed Abdullah Alsharif, Aysha Turki Almutairi, Waleed Taleb N. Almughamisi, Faizah Turki Alharbi, Maryam Ibrahim M. Kdaysah, Shahad Mahbub Aloufi & Theyab Mohammed Aldawsari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:112-131.
    This paper provides a critical review of economic outcome metrics used in healthcare value assessment, emphasizing the evolving landscape of resource allocation, patient-centered approaches, and standardization efforts. With healthcare costs rising globally, the efficient allocation of limited resources is essential. Metrics like Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs), and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) are central to guiding funding decisions, influencing insurance coverage, and shaping treatment prioritization. Emerging trends, such as the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) (...)
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    Autonomy and paternalism in shared decision‐making in a Saudi Arabian tertiary hospital: A cross‐sectional study.Yousef Y. Alabdullah, Esra Alzaid, Safa Alsaad, Turki Alamri, Saleh W. Alolayan, Suliman Bah & Abdullah S. Aljoudi - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):260-268.
    Medical paternalism has long been a common medical practice. However, patient autonomy in healthcare has been recently adopted by doctors and patients alike. This study explored whether doctors and patients in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia preferred autonomy or paternalism in shared decision‐making. A total of 118 participants (51 patients requiring total knee replacement, owing to stages 3–4 of osteoarthritis, and 67 doctors) from the Eastern province, Saudi Arabia. responded to a 17‐question category‐based questionnaire involving four scales of (...)
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    Role of Single Low Pulse Intensity of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Over the Frontal Cortex for Cognitive Function.Shahid Bashir, Fawaz Al-Hussain, Ali Hamza, Ghadah Faisal Shareefi, Turki Abualait & Woo-Kyoung Yoo - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    The Efficacy and Safety of Pembrolizumab in Advanced Melanoma: A Meta-Analysis Study.Abdulaziz Khalid Albarti, Hamoud Abdulrahman Alateeq, Khalid Abdullah Shaker, Mohd Faiyaz Khan, Sadaf Farooqui, Abdulrahman Alelowi, Khalid Massad Saud Alharbi, Abdulsalam Hassan Abu Sulauman, Sharea Thawab Alqahtani, Mansour Mohammed Yahya Alrashdi & Saleh Turki Hamad Alothman - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2044-2057.
    Background: Pembrolizumab, an inhibitory anti-PD-1 antibody, has led to significantly meaningful improvements in advanced melanoma. This meta-analysis discusses and presents the efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab versus control treatments in randomized controlled trials. Methods: Electronic databases were searched systematically for RCTs using pembrolizumab in advanced melanomas. Pooled estimates were calculated under random-effect models for overall response rates, PFS, OS, and TRAEs. Results: Nine RCTs including 5132 patients were analyzed. Pembrolizumab significantly realized better results in ORR, PFS and OS HR 0.62, (...)
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    Religious behaviours and commitment among Muslim healthcare workers in Malaysia.Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin, Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani, Ngakan K. A. Dwijendra, Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary, Abduladheem Turki Jalil, Iskandar Muda, Harikumar Pallathadka & Denok Sunarsi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Religion is among the determinants of human beliefs and values in various societies, shaping people’s behaviours in a range of life aspects, including the workplace. In view of the influence of religion in Malaysia, this issue becomes highly significant. With regard to the profound impact of religion on creating individual and collective behaviours, the present study aims to investigate the effects of religious behaviours (RBs) on organisational commitment (OC) among Malaysian healthcare workers (HCWs) in 2022, by a survey method implemented (...)
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    Responsabilité médicale et angioplastie coronaire : à propos de deux affaires judiciaires.Sarra Ben Abderrahim, Maher Jedidi, Sarra Gharsallaoui, Elyes Turki & Mohamed Ben Dhiab - 2023 - Médecine et Droit 2023 (181):77-80.
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    The quest of parsimonious XAI: A human-agent architecture for explanation formulation.Yazan Mualla, Igor Tchappi, Timotheus Kampik, Amro Najjar, Davide Calvaresi, Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki, Stéphane Galland & Christophe Nicolle - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 302 (C):103573.
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    The Role of Lifestyle Factors, Psychological Stress and Interventions in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Comprehensive Review, Challenges and Future Direction.Zainab Ahmed Aljaroodi, Suad Salem Albalawi, Najla Sari Almutairi, Abdulaziz Khalid Albarti, Khalid Massad Saud Alharbi, Bunaydir Muteb Alharbi, Ahmed Saud Ali Alshowaiy, Fahad Abdullah Algahtani, Majed Mohammed Al Tamimi, Mohammad Abdulrahman A. Alzaiber, Theeb Faisal Alotaibi, Nawaf Turki Alanazi, Ahmed Ibraheem Assiri, Ali Abdullah Alalwan & Mansour Zaal Alanazi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:95-111.
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a multifaceted chronic condition characterized by insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. This review synthesizes evidence on the influence of lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, and stress on the development and progression of T2DM. It highlights the intricate relationship between obesity, insulin resistance, and β-cell dysfunction, with a particular focus on the role of psychological stress in exacerbating disease outcomes. Through the analysis of recent studies, the review explores how lifestyle interventions, including dietary changes, (...)
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    The Importance of Anesthesia on Human Life.Fahad A. Alharthi & Turki Y. Alsaedi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1404-1408.
    This current study aims to examine the importance of anesthesia for humans. Secondly, what are the types of anesthesia currently used in operations, and what is the role of anesthesia in preserving human life. A questionnaire was prepared via Google Drive and distributed to residents aged 25-55 years, men and women, in the city of Mecca. As for the questionnaire, it was distributed via the social media program (WhatsApp) for the purpose of distancing for fear of the presence of the (...)
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    Türki̇ye’de gençli̇k, di̇n ve değerler konusunda yapilan ampi̇ri̇k araştirmalarin yöntem ve i̇çeri̇k anali̇zi̇.Akyüz Ismai̇l - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (30):1-1.
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  32. Türki̇ye felsefe kurumu'nun.Arslan Kaynardağ - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--66.
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    Türki̇ye'de kadin ve çocuklara hi̇zmet veren bi̇r kurum olarak cami̇.Muammer İskenderoğlu - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):271-271.
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    Türki̇ye’de okul öncesi̇ di̇n eği̇ti̇mi̇ni̇n temel taşi: Prof. Dr. beyza bi̇lgi̇n.Mustafa Önder - forthcoming - Dini Araştırmalar.
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    Türki̇ye’de cumhuri̇yet dönemi̇ eği̇ti̇m poli̇ti̇kalarinin di̇n dersi̇ öğreti̇m programlarina etki̇leri̇.Mahmut Zengin - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Türki̇Ye-Suri̇Ye İLi̇Şki̇Leri̇Nde Bi̇R Kirilma Noktasi: Eki̇M 1998 Kri̇Zi̇ Veya di̇Ğer Bi̇R İFadeyle “İLan Edi̇Lmemi̇Ş Savaş”.Özkan Gökcan - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):169-198.
    Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinin son 40 yıllık seyrine baktığımızda en önemli kırılma anlardan birinin 1998 yılının Ekim ayında yaşandığını söylemek mümkündür. 1990’lı yılların ilk yarısında imzalanan güvenlik protokollerine rağmen Suriye’nin PKK faaliyetlerine desteğini sürdürmesi ve Abdullah Öcalan’ın Suriye topraklarında ikamet ediyor olması, 1998 sonbaharında iki ülkeyi savaşın eşiğine getirmiştir. Ekim 1998 Krizi'nin Adana Mutabakatı'nın imzalanması ile son bulması, iki ülke ilişkilerinde yeni bir dönemin kapılarının aralanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada PKK faaliyetlerinin Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinde oynadığı inşa edici rol, Ekim 1998 Krizi üzerinden analiz (...)
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  37. Türki̇ye'de di̇n psi̇koloji̇si̇ alaninda yapilan li̇sansüstü tezler üzeri̇ne bi̇r i̇nceleme.Kenan Sevinç - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):243-243.
    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 1963 ile 2012 yılları arasında din psikolojisi alanında yapılan ve hala devam eden yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerine ilişkin analizler yer almaktadır. Bunun yanında din psikolojisinin Türkiye’de akademide yer alışına dair kısa bir tarihçe vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, din psikolojisi doktora tezlerine ilişkin bir bibliyografya oluşturarak, araştırmacılara ve lisansüstü öğrencilerine bir katalog sunmaktır. Ayrıca, tezlere ait verilerin analizleriyle, yapılacak yeni çalışmalara yol göstermek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem olarak literatür taraması yapılmış, farklı kurumların katalogları taranmış ve alandaki akademisyenlerle görüşülmüştür. Elde (...)
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    11. türki̇ye tefsi̇r akademi̇syenleri̇ toplantisi “medya ve kur'an” sempozyumu.Yusuf Alemdar - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (29):237-237.
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    Re-Thinking The Turkî-ı Basît Movement in Turkish Literature.Hatice Aynur - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:34-59.
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    About Language Of Turkî-i Basît.İmdat Demi̇r - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:99-113.
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    K'mûs-ı Türkî'den Türkçe Sözlük'e Anlam Değişmeleri - Eylemler.Fatih DOĞRU - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1183-1183.
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    A Comparison Of The Turkî-ı Basît Poems Of Edirneli Nazmi In Terms Of Similes System Through A General View.Bekir Çinar - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:76-98.
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    A New View To Turkî-i Basît.Ahmet Mermer - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:249-265.
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    Kritik terhadap sekularisasi turki: Telaah historis transformasi turki Usmani.M. Arfan Mu’Ammar - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 11 (1).
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    An important old Turki manuscript in the John Rylands Library.Alphonse Mingana - 1915 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 2 (2):129-138.
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    The Vocabulary Of Turkî-ı Basît.Seyfullah Türkmen - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:266-280.
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    Emsal ü nesayi̇h-i̇ türkì ve söz varliği üzeri̇ne.Talip DOĞAN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):471-471.
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    Ems'l ü Nes'yih-i Türkî ve Dil Özellikleri Üzerine.Talip DOĞAN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):859-859.
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    The di̇ffi̇culti̇es that are faced whi̇le the appli̇cati̇on of readi̇ng acti̇vi̇es in turki̇sh lessons for secondary scholls.Mesut GÜN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1961-1977.
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    Kur’ân’da “mesci̇d” kavrami ve türki̇ye’de cami̇ hi̇zmetleri̇ni̇n i̇yi̇leşti̇ri̇lmesi̇.Cahit Karaalp - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):64-90.
    Kur’ân’da mescid kavramı daha çok Mescid-i Haram bağlamında gündeme gelmekte ve yeryüzünde kurulan ilk evin/maʿbedin Ka’be olduğu ifade edilmektedir. Mescidler, Mescid-i Haram gibi güven, huzur, istikrar veren özgün yapılardır. Mescidler; terbiye, eğitim, irşâd, tefekkür, birlik ve beraberlik, dayanışma, yardımlaşma vurguları ile toplumun sosyal açıdan gelişmesini sağlar. İslâm tarihinde camilerin ifa ettiği vazifeler, İslâm dininin diğer muharref dinler gibi dinle dünya işlerinin arasını ayırmadığını, dini kalbe hapsetmediğini göstermektedir. Hz. Peygamber ve sahabeler döneminde mescidler çok amaçlı mekânlar olarak kullanılmaktaydı. Mescidlerin Hz. Peygamber (...)
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